Thank you for registering for Oregon Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (OCALM). Reducing access to lethal means, such as firearms and medications, can significantly impact whether a person experiencing thoughts of suicide survives. This course, primarily designed for mental health professionals, is helpful for anyone who works with people with thoughts of suicide, such as health care providers, faith community leaders and social service professionals. It is open to anyone interested in preventing suicide and gaining more skills.
Please Note: Prior Suicide Prevention training is required prior to taking this course, such as QPR, safeTALK or ASIST.
Please read through this confirmation notice and save it as it contains details and helpful information about your training. Please save the training date, time and location to your calendar(s).
The date and time of the training is:
- Oregon Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (OCALM)
- Tuesday, January 30, 2023
- 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
The location of the training is:
- Clackamas County Development Services Building
- 150 Beavercreek Road
- Oregon City, OR 97045
- Room 115
Emails will come from info@gettrainedtohelp.com, NArmendariz@clackamas.us and kturner@clackamas.us, so please respond and please add these addresses to your safe senders list. Thank you.
For more information about class content and what to expect, click on “CALM” in the box below
Please Note: OCALM training teaches a specific suicide prevention intervention. Some of the content of the curriculum may activate troubling feelings and thoughts. The class is not a form of counseling, therapy or support group. If you are a suicide attempt survivor or have experienced a loss by suicide, we suggest delaying taking the ASIST OCALM class for at least a year. If you are currently experiencing thoughts of suicide, please contact Clackamas County Crisis Line at 503 655-8585 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or 1-800-273-8255; they are both available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. If you have questions about whether this class is a good fit for you at the present time, please call Kathy Turner, Coordinator at 503 742-5962. Thank you.
Please Plan Your Commute: Please plan your commute so that you have time to park, make your way to the training room and can be seated by 8:30 am. Thank you for your consideration. The training process will begin promptly at 8:30 am and ends at 4:30 pm – please note participants who do not arrive on time may not be admitted to the class.
Parking/Transportation: Visitors’ parking is available in the designated visitors’ lots adjacent to the Development Services Building on Beavercreek that can be accessed from Courthouse Road off of Beavercreek Road; parking for Clackamas County employees is available in the designated employee parking lots. Thank you for your cooperation! For bus and light rail information, please contact Tri-Met.
Breaks & Food: We’ll have coffee/tea and light refreshments and treats in the morning and afternoon. Lunch is on your own and there will be a 30-minute lunch break. Please feel free to bring snacks, lunch, water bottle, eating utensils and anything else you will need for the day. We will have access to a refrigerator and microwave. There are numerous restaurants, fast food options and grocery stores within driving distance of the training location, however, the lunch break is short and you may have to (and you are welcome to) eat while the class is underway. Water fountains are available in the building.
Attire: Please feel free to wear comfortable clothes. The temperature in the training room can vary and you may want to layer clothing in case it is warm or chilly.
Seating: Some people may prefer to bring a seat cushion or pad to increase their comfort being seated a large part of the day on conference room chairs.
Registration: Please note that classes are limited in size to provide the best experience for the trainees and to provide the training to fidelity. For this reason, registrations are specific to the individual who has signed up to attend the class and cannot be transferred to another person. If you know of others who are interested in attending a class, please refer them to https://gettrainedtohelp.com/ Thank you.
Certification: Registrants are required to attend the full training to participate and to receive certification. The OCALM curriculum is designed to build sequentially upon knowledge and skills, and class participation is an integral part of the design. Please plan your schedule so that you are able to attend the full training, otherwise please cancel so that others may have the benefit of this training.
Cancellation: As discussed above, if you are unable to attend the full training, please email the Coordinator as soon as possible so we may give your slot to another participant. To reschedule to attend another training, please visit https://gettrainedtohelp.com/en/ and register for a class with available space.
If you need accommodations to fully participate, please contact kturner@clackamas.us at least ten working days prior to the class; thank you.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Enjoy the training! And thanks for getting trained to help!
Kathy Turner
Special Projects Coordinator
Bookings are closed for this class.