• Teachers.
• School Staff.
• Coaches.
• Camp Counselors.
• Youth Group Leaders.
• Parents.
• Adults who Work with Youth.
What Youth Mental Health First Aid Covers:
• Common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges in this age group, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD).
• Common signs and symptoms of substance use challenges.
• How to interact with a child or adolescent in crisis.
• How to connect the youth with help.
• Expanded content on trauma, substance use, self-care and the impact of social media and bullying.
Learn how to respond with the Mental Health First Aid Action Plan (ALGEE):
Assess for risk of suicide or harm. Listen non-judgmentally. Give reassurance and information. Encourage appropriate professional help. Encourage self-help and other support strategies.
This is an in person class and will be held at:
Thank you for registering for Youth Mental Health First Aid in two sections!
Please read through and keep this confirmation notice as the format and requirements for the in person class are significantly different from previous versions of the class. This is an in-person Youth Mental Health First Aid class.
To learn move about Youth Mental Health First Aid, please click on the “YMHFA” in the box below
Here are the date, times and location of the in person class and the deadline for completing the pre-work. The self-paced introduction is a pre-requisite to participating in the in person class.
- In Person Class: Wednesday July 27, 2023 – 8:30 am to 4:00 pm — please plan to join the class at least 10 minutes early
- Class Location: Clackamas County Development Services Building, 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, OR 97045 Room 115
- Self-Paced Introduction Completed by: Tuesday, July 25, 2023
The training is delivered in two sections – Section 1 is a self-paced presentation and is completed independently by you. Section 2 is an in-person class and presentation with instructors and other classmates. Section 2 builds on the content and information from section 1; participants must complete section 1 before attending section 2, and participants must complete both sections to receive certification for the course.
Here’s how it works:
1. On July 6, 2023 or as soon as you register for the class if it is after July 6, you will receive one of the following: An email from kturner@clackamas.us with a unique password for you to log onto the Connect MHFA learning platform OR an invitation from notifications@learnupon.com for Connect MHFA. Please accept the invitation. Once the invitation is accepted, we will enroll you into an automated, online learning platform and you will have access to the self-paced introduction. Please plan to complete the self-paced introductions by or before Tuesday, July 25, 2023. I will be out of the office and/or on vacation during the week of July 17 and will be unable to respond until Monday, July 24, 2023. If you do not receive the invitation by July 13, 2023, and you registered prior to or on July 13, please reach out to the Coordinator for assistance.
The self-paced introduction includes nine sections, including a opinions quiz, an introduction to the Youth Mental Health First Aid course, a manual and other materials.
Please note that participants must complete all of the parts of the self-paced introduction by the deadline. If you aren’t able to complete the self-paced introduction, you won’t be eligible to participate in section 2 of the class — the in person training with 2 instructors and other classmates — and we’ll have to withdraw you from the class.
2. As mentioned, Section 2 will be delivered in-person with two instructors and other classmates and will be held on Thursday, July 27, 2023 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm; the class will include a 30 minute lunch break and short breaks sprinkled throughout the day.
4. We will confirm details in an email after you have completed the self-paced introduction.
****please see additional tips and important information at the bottom of this message****
Breaks & Food: The training will run from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm with a 30 minute lunch break and other breaks during the time we are in the training. Please feel free to bring lunch, snacks and anything else you will need for the training. Note: There are grocery stores and restaurants nearby; we strongly encourage you to bring your lunch to the training.
Registration: Please note that classes are limited in size to provide the best experience for the trainees and to provide the training to fidelity. For this reason, registrations are specific to the individual who has signed up to attend the class and a registration cannot be transferred to another person. If you know of others who are interested in attending a class, please refer them to https://gettrainedtohelp.com/ to register. Thank you.
Certification: Upon completion of all parts of this course, attendees will earn a certificate verifying their understanding of the concepts and status as a certified youth mental health first aid responder. It is required that attendees complete all parts of the training to participate and to be certified.
Cancellation: If you are unable to attend the full training, please email Coordinator as soon as possible so we may give your slot to another participant. To reschedule to attend another training, please visit https://gettrainedtohelp.com/ and register for an available space in the training of your choice!
Tips for navigating the Youth Mental Health First Aid self paced introduction process:
- Check your spam folder for emails about the class from kturner@clackamas.us and pre-work from notifications@learnupon.com from MHFA Connect
- We will be checking in with you on your progress as the class approaches.
- When completing the self-paced introduction, make sure to close out of each module on the final screen. (This prevented some from being able to complete the certification process.)
- The instructors will open the class 15 minutes before class starts; please plan to join at least 10 minutes before the class starts.
- Once the in-person part of the course has been completed on January 23, 2023, you will return to the Connect MHFA platform to finish up and get your certificate. There will be a the post-test and an evaluation and then you’ll be able to get your certification.
- If you cannot access the post-test, there is something either open or incomplete from the pre-work.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Enjoy the training!
Kathy Turner
Bookings are closed for this class.