This training is offered virtually and on demand.
Raíces is excited to announce the release of a new virtual on-demand training entitled Suicide Prevention and Intervention for Latine Communities. The training is sponsored by the American Psychological Association (APA) for 3 continuing education credits and meets the Oregon legislative requirement for mental health professionals to receive 3-hours of suicide prevention training or cultural competency. The Oregon Health Authority has generously sponsored the training to be free of charge for mental health professionals licensed in Oregon, including psychologists, clinical social workers, and licensed mental health counselors.
The training focuses on using culturally responsive practices to improve suicide prevention, assessment, and intervention for Latine individuals. The training emphasizes evidenced-based practical tools and skills related to improving diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and clinical practices when working with Latine communities around suicide. Additionally, the training emphasizes sociocultural factors, values and practices related to Latine mental health. Three CEU’s are offered.
For more information or to register for this virtual, on demand training, Suicide Prevention and Intervention for Latine Communities go to raicesdebienestar – CE Catalog (ce21.com)