Thank you for registering for Adult Mental Health First Aid over two half days!
Please read through this notice. Thank you!
Here are the dates and times of the in-person class. Please note that the class is over two half-days.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024 AND Thursday, May 30, 2024 10:00 am to 2:00 pm both days
The training will be held at:
Hillsboro Community Senior Center, 750 SE 8th Ave., Hillsboro, OR 97123
Please plan to join the class at least 10 minutes early
Breaks & Food: We will have breaks sprinkled throughout. There will be a working lunch on both days, lunch is on your own, and we highly recommend that you bring your lunch and any necessary utensils with you to the training. You can also reserve a lunch in advance at the Senior Center. To reserve a lunch, please contact Daniel Cobb at the Senior Center 503-615-1090 by or before May 24, 2024.
Registration: Please note that classes are limited in size to provide the best experience for the trainees and to provide the training to fidelity. For this reason, registrations are specific to the individual who has signed up to attend the class and a registration cannot be transferred to another person. If you know of others who are interested in attending a class, please refer them to https://gettrainedtohelp.com/ to register. Thank you.
Certification: Upon completion of all parts of this course, attendees will earn a certificate verifying their understanding of the concepts and status as a certified mental health first aid responder. Participants will complete a short exam and course evaluation. It is required that attendees complete and participate in all parts of the training to attend and to be certified.
Cancellation: If you are unable to attend the full training, please email the Coordinator as soon as possible so we may give your slot to another participant. To reschedule to attend another training, please visit https://gettrainedtohelp.com/ and register for an available space in the training of your choice!
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
If you need accommodations, please give at least two weeks notice of your needs.
Enjoy the training!
Andy Wallace
Bookings are closed for this class.